Rejus Join the C-19 Pledge

by Rejus, 8th June 2020

Rejus Have joined the C-19 Pledge, promoting compliancy with the new measures required for the safe return to work following the Corona Virus outbreak.

Rejus are committed to the new safe and healthy return to work that is required in order to keep their team and customers safe.

Safety really does matter, not just at work, but also in how you get to work and your mental capacity to deal with all the changes that are happening.

Here at Rejus we have carried out a comprehensive business risk assessment and put in place a number of stringent control measures to ensure our employees and any people we come into contact with are safe from the transmission of the virus.

We are also committed to the mental wellbeing of our team and have 2 trained mental health first aiders who will be able to help if anyone is feeling unsure in the new environment.


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Return to Work Guide

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