Our Sustainability Commitment and Strategy

by Rejus, 11th June 2023


Sustainability means so many different things for many people. At Rejus, we have recognised that we have an impact on the planet and our local community through our activities. Whether locally or worldwide, we need to acknowledge this and find a way we can reduce our impact for future generations. Whilst our aspirations may be big, and may mimic much larger organisations, we are a small SME, and we believe actions of the individual can shape the actions of the many.

So, we must do our part. Our words make our goals become reality.

Our sustainability strategy is focused on reducing our carbon footprint and supporting the growth and development of future generations.


After over 10 years of investment, we are pleased to have achieved net zero under scope 1 and 2. We’ve achieved this many years ahead of the Paris Net Zero Agreement (COP21) target, and are proud to have placed ourselves as a leading company in accordance with reducing our carbon output. We are continuing to improve and measure our carbon impact, investing in ways of further reducing or offsetting our carbon, for both ourselves and our customers.

We recognise that whilst we are supplying business critical services, as an organisation our employees and supply chain must set out each day to make the community and the place’s they work safer for future generations.


  1. Set realistic achievable goals.For example, there is much talk about planting trees, but why not take actions that prevent the tree ever being cut down in the first place? Sure, we plant trees also, but we try and avoid them being cut down too. Recycle, reuse, reassign.
  2. Where can me make an impact?For this step we concentrate on the areas within our business where we can make real and measurable impact. Once identified we'lll move forward by offering practical and commercially viable solutions.
  3. Finding the right partners.The aim is to seek partnerships with our supply chain, who share our passion, and can help support sustainability and reduce our impact on future generations.

Here are some of the blogs that detail what we've done.


Our greatest asset is our staff. From humble beginnings when the company started, one man and a van trying to do the best for his family, we recognise that we must align our goals with those of our staff. We believe that through the power of our culture we can create an environment where everyone can succeed and deliver the vision of the company through collective goals.


We are always training and supporting our staff to develop careers, looking to recruit internally and develop people who can enjoy a long career, either with us or as they move on with the knowledge and experience they have gained at Rejus.


We live in a diverse and multicultural society, and we have developed a culture that promotes respect, transparency and a zero tolerance to discrimination. We support this with mental health support, and constant training on culture that promotes, respect, acceptance, and a shared goal of kindness first.


Wherever we can, we buy locally, either products or services in the areas we are working. We have built long and mutually beneficial relationships with other businesses. In many cases we share our knowledge and ethos to help bring these companies forward. We always seek to partner with organisations that are trying to reduce their impact on the environment.

After many years of involvement with governorship at schools and colleges, which continues to this day, we have had the opportunity to get involved in many schemes over the years. This has focused on young people, our future. Engagement has included science-based projects, sports, business mentoring, local Work and Skills Board involvement, and most recently a ten-year sponsorship with the Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme at a local school, not to mention 17 years of sponsoring the Doncaster Knights Cheerleaders.


These are superb links and give you all need to start taking action.

Learn more about the Paris Climate Agreement: Net Zero Coalition | United Nations.

Make your own climate commitment: SME Climate Hub.

Our Work in the Community / Recommended Blogs